Even mule sense can be beneficial if there is teaching and learning.



Schooler, "The Mule With a Diploma"

He Stayed In School !


what about you?

What Does Schooler Say to Students?

" Be Wise, Stay In School!"



Schooler Got His Diploma!

Even if you call it "mule sense,"

it pays to stay in school.


No one has all the sense, but we have more sense than a mule. Even one who stayed in school. Schooler the mule got his diploma. What about you?


Schooler's Message To Children


Q: What did schooler say that helped students?

“You can call Schooler stubborn, but he was smart enough to stay in school and get his diploma "


Q: How stubborn is schooler the mule?



A: Stubborn enough to keep telling you "stay in school"

No matter who you are, where you come from, or what you look like, education will add value to your life"

-Dr. J T Clemons

Schooler the mule went to school. He knew school would give him a better life. He didn't like the expression, "as thick as a mule"


Going to school beats pulling an empty cart around all day. Those empty carts make a lot of “noise”but carry nothing of value. Schools are filled with knowledge. Knowledge will help you all of your life, and its value is beyond any price.

schooler with diploma

This was the best decision I ever made. I got my diploma. Mama and Papa are so proud. No pulling empty carts for me. I have something of value.


Schooler's Teacher

Don't judge anyone by looks, hidden talent and wisdom will amaze you



Schooler Himself

I didn't always want to go to school. I was the only mule in school. The kids laugh so hard the first day, I started to leave and never come back. But I was stubborn. I stayed in school!.






Schooler's Parents

Our offspring is different. He's a four legged mule, but we still made him go to school. He got his diploma.